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Sergio: We have to take the hit and learn

Sergio González analysed the match against Athletic in the San Mamés press room. "We didn't play well in the game, we were imprecise on the ball, we didn't put passes together, we didn't have any depth and we were just trying to solve defensive problems. We saw a Cádiz team that didn't compete, who were far from what they are, but this is the exception that proves the rule. We have to learn, we have to accept the blow. We played a very bad game. This goes on."

The rival imposed their way of playing. "Athletic are a very physical team, who subject you to a back and forth where they are better than you. They are a very virtual team that plays easily in your area. In isolated actions they generated two shots against the crossbar in the first half. We were surviving. In the second half we looked for freshness and we didn't get it. When we conceded the goal they really hurt us, we weren't able to recover. From that point on, the game was already very difficult."

Self-criticism. "We are a team that has won the matches in which we have won the duels. Today we were imprecise, we couldn't get the ball down, we couldn't string passes together. We weren't strong. We weren't able to generate football. I can't look for any excuses."